About GroupVitals

The GroupVitals application is a group management platform. It allows for signups, tracking attendance, and measuring connection of group activity on an easy-to-use platform as well as connecting to other APIs for data.

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What It Took To Build The Group Management Software

Below are some of the tools used to help build GroupVitals.

HTML5 CSS JavaScript jQuery Twitter Bootstrap PHP MySQL Laravel Supervisord Git GitHub CI PHP Unit Testing
  • Worked with a small team to design and develop a customized web application for managing groups with the PHP Laravel framework.
  • Built a migration system to migrate data from the GroupForm’s application.
  • Helped integrate the Stripe subscription service system based off number of groups a church had.
  • Utilized Mandrill to send system messages and for allowing users to send customized messages to their base users.
  • Helped and eventually took over the Fellowship One API integrations which involved pulling and pushing data on all of their available APIs.
  • Built a queueing system that used both Supervisord and Beanstalkd that handled background services such as sending email and other jobs of the backend.
  • Managed the cloud servers such as dotCloud and DigitalOcean that utilized Nginx.
  • Integrated jQuery to handle much of the JavaScript work such as event calls and ajax.
  • Started integrating PHP Unit testing to help reduce bugs in the production deployments.
  • I took on the responsibility of having the project utilize continuous integration with Git, Codeship, and code reviews for faster and optimized development.
  • Built custom backup solutions that used AWS S3 for storage.
  • Took part in integrating multiple APIs for analytics such as Segment, Intercom, and Google Analytics.
  • Once the team was reduced, I took on the responsibility of helping with support for the users.
  • I set up systems to help alert when errors and failures were occurring in the backend to quickly fix bugs.
  • Integrated Homestead Vagrant into our deployment to quickly allow anyone to spin up a server for the project locally.
  • Refactored much of the code to use design patterns such as gateways, repositories, factories, and many others to make the code cleaner and much easier to test using dependency injection.

A Glance At The Project

A picture can say a thousand words. Take a look at the screenshots added for the GroupVitals project to get a better understanding of what was developed.
