About GroupForms

GroupForms was a free-to-use application that allowed users to design signup forms for groups and track those groups' attendance.

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What It Took To Build The Group Management Software

Below are some of the tools used to help build GroupForms.

HTML5 CSS JavaScript jQuery Twitter Bootstrap PHP MySQL CodeIgniter Git GitHub
  • Designed backend code and database to use with the PHP CodeIgniter framework for group management software.
  • Used the AWS S3 system for saving files for the users and storing backups of the system.
  • Integrated APIs such as Segment for analytics and Mandrill for sending emails.
  • Utilized jQuery library for cross-browser ajax and other features such as column drag and drop sorting.
  • Integrated a migration system to export data to the GroupVitals system.
  • Built a form system that users could customize to share via a link for their prospects.
  • Managed the servers on cloud systems such as DigitalOcean.
  • Later started doing Git usage and code reviews with other developers.

A Glance At The Project

A picture can say a thousand words. Take a look at the screenshots added for the GroupForms project to get a better understanding of what was developed.
