About Fancy Hair

This project was a shopping web application that sold hair extensions. It came with a complete administration panel that allowed management of the website.

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What It Took To Build The Fancy Hair Extensions

Below are some of the tools used to help build Fancy Hair.

HTML5 CSS JavaScript jQuery PHP MySQL CodeIgniter
  • Worked with the PHP CodeIgniter framework to develop an e-commerce platform from scratch.
  • Carried out quality assurance tests to discover errors and optimize usability.
  • Integrated multiple APIs such as SmartyStreets and MaxMind.
  • Customized PayPal open-source libraries to allow the use of the IPN.
  • Developed an entire administration panel to control the website and orders.
  • Added an affiliate system to track referrals of customers from users.
  • Built a gift card system that created cards and added them to the PayPal IPN.
  • Later developed a blog feature that allowed text and video entries based on categories.
  • Eventually gutted the original design and replaced it with a much sleeker look.
  • Created multiple CSV export features for orders, affiliates, and accounting.

A Glance At The Project

A picture can say a thousand words. Take a look at the screenshots added for the Fancy Hair project to get a better understanding of what was developed.
