About Campus.Ink

Campus.Ink is a college student platform that helps manage student orders for clothing apparel for the company. When students enter orders, they get pushed to the Printavo API. The application also allows for payment management for the students.

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What It Took To Build The Student Design Platform

Below are some of the tools used to help build Campus.Ink.

HTML5 CSS JavaScript jQuery Twitter Bootstrap PHP MySQL Laravel Supervisord Git GitHub CI
  • The application originally started as a procedural application built in PHP and rebuilt with the Laravel framework.
  • The Guzzle library is utilized to communicate with the Printavo API to pull data.
  • Utilize services such as Github, Codeship and Linear to manage delivery of code to the server.
  • Quotes and Orders have integrated filtering to handle finding specific data based on statuses, dates and users.
  • Used design patterns such as gateways to organize code and stick to the DRY principles.
  • Calculations were used for commission, bonus, fundraiser and greek licensing.
  • A simple payment system to mark orders as commission payed was integrated to help the company administration help keep track of the books.
  • A projects system was integrated for students to help create new orders with qualifying questions, customer details, quotes and notes feature to help the student process.

A Glance At The Project

A picture can say a thousand words. Take a look at the screenshots added for the Campus.Ink project to get a better understanding of what was developed.
