About Bust-A-Code

Bust-A-Code is a freelance website with a twist. When posting projects, clients can select freelancers who have posted scripts that closely match their project details. Those freelancers would be able to bid lower than other freelancers as they have already built projects that closely resemble the work needed and time of the project would be greatly reduced.

What It Took To Build The Freelance Website

Below are some of the tools used to help build Bust-A-Code.

HTML5 CSS JavaScript jQuery PHP MySQL
  • Utilized PHP and MySQL to develop a full freelance website.
  • Integrated PayPal API for payment system.
  • Created web project management that allowed posting, bidding, and choosing the developer.
  • Built web script management that allowed the posting, searching, and downloading of software.
  • Designed project posting to match the details to web scripts at the end of the posting. This allowed clients to invite developers who have already created projects similar to theirs. Once invited, the developer can bid less than the set amount, as they can use their script to build the client's project.
  • Developed profiles that allowed the management of bids, saved projects, financials, resumes, portfolios, and scripts.
  • The administration panel allowed the management users, projects, scripts, categories, and any other item part.

A Glance At The Project

A picture can say a thousand words. Take a look at the screenshots added for the Bust-A-Code project to get a better understanding of what was developed.
