About AutomateInk

Automate.Ink is an application that pulls data from the Printavo API to build reports for orders, and line items from the orders and customers. These reports can be exported in CSV file format as well as live widgets on the dashboard as live stats or graphs.

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What It Took To Build The Report Generating Application

Below are some of the tools used to help build AutomateInk.

HTML5 CSS JavaScript jQuery Twitter Bootstrap PHP MySQL Laravel Supervisord Git GitHub CI


  • Automate is an application built using the Laravel 8 framework.

  • Guzzle library was utilized to communicate with the Printavo API to pull in data.

  • The gateway design pattern was used to help divide logic of code up to stick with the DRY principle and keeping the codebase clean.

  • The Cashier library that utilizes the Stripe payment system was used to handle the subscription payments.

  • A profile was designed to let users update their profile, invite team members, enter the Printavo API token settings and manage billing.

  • Building reports allows users to define types (csv or live widget), select collection of data to use, choose headers to use and specify filters to pinpoint data to utilize in reports.

  • Apex Charts is utilized to build dynamic graphs based on the data provided by filters selected by users.

  • The chart widgets can be used to company current and previous date periods.

  • Selecting date periods can be predetermined such as last week, last month, last year, etc as well as custom date periods are allowed to be entered.

  • Widgets can be shared with team members, deleted, csv file generated from widgets and reports can be downloaded.

  • Orders can be searched on the system that exist on the Printavo API system.

A Glance At The Project

A picture can say a thousand words. Take a look at the screenshots added for the AutomateInk project to get a better understanding of what was developed.
